7. 4. Other aspects of the Intercultural Partnership

7.5. Experiences and recommendations from the Joint Staff Events

The main experiences and recommendations, extracted from the Joint Staff Events are as follows:

-          Joint staff events are a good mean of exchanging scientific ideas between the participants from the different countries.

-          Several similarities and differences could be observed, which help to better identify own weaknesses and strengths.

-          JSEs offer also the framework of exchanging different views and modalities of work, as well as specific technical and cultural approaches of each country.

-          The brokerage of project ideas represents a premise for building new project proposals.

-          Among other topics, interesting discussions were about the MOOC for the textile and clothing field.

-          We realized that our working teams are compact and willing to work together. The team members got better self-confidence.

-          The best thing about Joint Staff Events was that a greater number of members of national research teams could come together.

-          The ides presented at JSE were versatile and enhance the knowledge/experiences of a larger group.

-          Many differences, but also similarities between the partner institutions/country enlarge the joint potential of the whole consortium.

-          JSEs present an important and efficient forum for harmonizing delicate issues and finding best solutions.

-          JSEs present the opportunity to know and understand the partner institutions, cities, regions and culture better.

-          It would be recommended that also the students/participants of the courses could be part of the JSEs. In such a way, we could get important information directly from the target group.

-          JSEs shell be recommended also for the future similar projects.



Figure 21: The main focus of the Advan2Tex project were motivated and curious trainees