6. Presentation of the 30 project ideas in template

6.13. Development of education system for laundry management and employees



Title of the project

Development of education system for laundry management and employees


Envisaged Program for funding / other sources for funding

Erasmus+ - KA 2 strategic partnership – call for proposals 2017

3 years duration

Cca 450 000 EUR


Domain of interest

TZU or Association of industrial laundries and dry cleaners (CZ) – coordinator, partner


(up to 500 words)

The main goal of the project is to develop a functional educational system for education of the management and their employees in the industrial maintenance branch.

In the past we had a vocational education for this branch - laundry and dry cleaner chemist. This study program was canceled more than 10 years ago. Nowadays, employees in laundries and dry cleaner workshops are without professional qualification. And these are not only ordinary workers but also managers and leaders of laundries and dry-cleaning companies. This is very important point, because the quality of the service is directly connected to the qualification of the staff. We suppose that similar situation is also in another European countries.

In the present there is very low offer of education in the laundry. It does not exist any systematic education system for gaining qualification in professional maintenance of clothing and textiles. The only possibility to offer specialized courses and training for these people. Also requalification courses are available. The problem also is, that there is lack of qualified teacher or lecturers.

The topic of our idea is to develop an integrated training system for teachers, trainers and workers at all levels in industrial maintenance industry:

In the first stage, it is necessary to prepare teaching supports (curricula, books, working sheets, instructional videos etc.) than to train the group of professional lecturer/teachers in each partner country to be ensured continuity when the project is finished. The last stage of the project is to prepare the strategy of education for near future with local authorities in all partner countries (schools, association, educational organizations…)

Project activities
The project would be focused on the following activities:

1) Comparative study of the situation in partner countries (educational system, local authorities, possibility of cooperation, education requirements, rate of interest on education, target group, form of future education). The output of this step will be the proposal of educational programme for selected qualifications in industrial laundries and dry cleaner workshops.

2) The second step would be the development of the curricula of suggested programmes and after that the proposal of teaching supports – textbooks, working sheets, videos, e-learning

As a background we can use our educational materials we had prepared in our previous project, focused directly on the employees in industrial laundries and dry cleaners.

The output of this step will be completed study programme

3) pilot training of professional teachers and trainers – verification of created teaching supports – form of JSE probably

4) Evaluation of pilot testing, preparation of the guide for teacher and trainers, how to teach and use educational materials prepared in the project. Translation of educational materials into partner languages

Point to discuss:

- is it education in industrial maintenance interesting topic for you?

- if so, who is (in your country) the authority for education in this branch (university, vocational school, association, other institution) – please send us contacts

If you would like to become our partners, please contact us:
Petra Dufková, dufkova@tzu.cz


Keywords (up to 5)

Laundry, drycleaners, employees education, workshops, VET.


Envisaged partners sought

laundries and dry cleaners, university, vocational school, association, local authorities




Contact data

(Name/Surname, Organization, email)

Olga Střížová, Textile testing Institute, Brno, Czech republic, strizova@tzu.cz

Petra Dufková, Textile testing Institute, Brno, Czech republic, dufkova@tzu.cz