4. Face to face courses

The partners have prepared the training material of the seven modules according to Table 1. The material has been prepared in English and translated in four languages: Czech, Portuguese, Portuguese and Romanian.

Table 1 Modules of the courses and authors




Advanced knitting technologies

P4 TU Iași

Mirela Blaga & Dorin Dan

Virtual prototyping of garments, 3D scanning, clothing for people with special needs

P3 University of Maribor

Andreja Rudolf, Simona Jevšnik & Zoran Stjepanović

New methods for testing textile materials

P2 TZU Brno

Petr Benešovský, Hana Polášková & Petra Dufková

Standardization of textile testing

CO INCDTP Bucharest

Marilena Niculescu & Lilioara Surdu

Sustainability, LCA, Eco-labelling

P1 University of Minho Guimarães

Luis Almeida & Maria Teresa Amorim


CO INCDTP Bucharest

Emilia Visileanu

Innovation management

CO INCDTP Bucharest

Daniela Bucur & Carmen Ghituleasa


The summary of the modules can be found in Annex 2.

The training activities have been organized as blended courses, carried on in two successive stages:

  • Face-to-face courses,
  • Online courses on the developed e-learning platform, one learning module on each week.


Figure 1. Face-to face course

A total of 6 blended courses have been held, from February to August 2016. Figure 1 presents the schedule of the six blended courses.


Figure 2. Program of the training activities:

face-to-face courses (green), e-learning courses (red)

Table 2 presents the tutors of the modules of the different blended courses, which have been organized according to the schedule presented in Figure 2. The tutors have been responsible for the face-to-face session and the char session of the corresponding module.

Table 2: Tutors of the seven modules of the different face-to-face courses


Location of the course





Bucharest *

Advanced knitting technologies

Alenka Pavko Cuden, Zoran Stjepanovič

Petra Dufková

Mirela Blaga

André Catarino

Emilia Visileanu

Virtual prototyping of garments, 3D scanning, clothing for people with special needs

Zoran Stjepanovič, Andreja Rudolf, Simona Jevšnik

Petra Dufková

Manuela Avadanei

Miguel Carvalho

Emilia Visileanu

New methods for testing textile materials

Simona Jevšnik

Petr Nasadil, Hana Polášková

Rodica Harpa

Luís Almeida

Lilioara Surdu

Standardization of textile testing

Tatjana Kreže

Petr Benešovský

Rodica Harpa

Luís Almeida

Lilioara Surdu

Sustainability, LCA, Eco-labelling

Darinka Fakin, Alenka Ojstršek

Petr Benešovský

Cristina Piroi

Luís Almeida

Ion Razvan Radulescu


Andreja Rudolf

Petra Dufková

Daniela Negru

Luís Almeida

Emilia Visileanu

Innovation management

Simona Jevšnik, Marjan Delić

Petra Dufková

Irina Cristian

Luís Almeida

Daniela Bucur

Number of trainees





20/20 *

* 2 courses

The number of students/trainees attending the face to face course, as can be seen in the last line of Table 2, has ranked from 14 (TZU) and 45 (TU Iași). The average number is 24 (or 20 if we exclude the course at TU Iași).

From the comments received, the ideal number of students in the face to face courses is 20, which corresponds in fact to what was foreseen in the project proposal and to the average number of students, excluding the course at TU Iași. Comments from tutors in Iași suggest that the group was too large and heterogeneous and that it could be divided into two.

In most of the face to face sessions the majority of the students had access to a computer during the sessions. In several cases tutors state that most of the students had had access to a computer and in some cases all the students had access to a computer – this was the case of the courses in Portugal and Slovenia, where the sessions were held in a computer room (one computer per student, with access to moodle platform), see Figure 1.

Most of the face to face sessions have been based on a power point presentation and the presentation of the moodle platform. In some cases the face to face course was also complemented by some laboratory demonstrations.

In most of the face to face sessions the trainees have been very active, putting questions during the session. The face-to-face courses have been conducted interactively, while the questions of the trainees have evidenced their great interest regarding the approached themes. Moreover, the exchange of ideas was especially high, even if the level of preparation of the trainees in the textile-clothing field was different.


Figure 3. Interaction beteween tutor and trainee