Guide for Best Practices of the Courses
This Guide for best practices of the courses is one of the outputs of the ADVAN2TEX project. It has been prepared based on the interaction tutors-trainees, following the methodology of benchmarking.
6. Level of preparation of trainees
In general the tutors have identified some differences between the scientific and technical level of the course and the preparation level of the trainees. However, the content of the modules could be adapted by the tutors, in order to approach all trainees. In fact for the pilot blended courses there no specific selection method of the trainees. Due to the fact that no mobility funds were granted by the project, the selection method of the trainees permitted the participation of a greater number of trainees within the training program of the pilot blended courses. This particular aspect is a strong point for the impact of the project. It allowed also a better feed-back from the target group of trainees.
Most of the trainees had a basic knowledge about textiles, although of course with different levels of preparation and, in their daily work, they have different duties. Most of the trainees had no pre-knowledge in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation management but they easily could assimilate these modules.
Major differences have been found in the module of knitting, as many students had no background in flat knitting.
Some suggestions to improve the situation:
- The heterogeneous groups of trainees could be divided in two or more groups, based on their level of knowledge in the field (basic, intermediate, advanced).
- The trainees could be grouped according to their interest to follow a particular module or just some of the modules.
- Concise study material could be given to the participant in advance to enable the repetition of already mastered knowledge and/or preparation for the course.
- A previous testing should be performed for the trainees, before admission at a certain module.
- Put together topics related to the specialization of the participants group. To carry out the educational needs of proposed target group and after that to collect the topics.