7. Organization of courses

Concerning the following question:

“Is the more opportune on specialization or the diversification is accordingly to the actual needs for professional development?”

Here is a summary of most relevant suggestions:

  • Some of the modules could be interesting for almost all of the trainees, but others are very specialized and it would be attractive just for the specialists in a particular textile field.
  • The diversification of the modules is important for professional development, for enriching the trainee’s knowledge.
  • Each module can be independent and extend students knowledge in specific area. As a strategy for the future, each student should be able to choose what is actual for her/him depending on working position or future plans.

The course should include some obligatory/general topics and some optional/specialized topics, so that the participant could select the modules according to his/her preliminary knowledge and interest. In this way, optimized ratio specialization/diversification could be achieved.