Guide for Best Practices of the Courses
Požadavky na absolvování
This Guide for best practices of the courses is one of the outputs of the ADVAN2TEX project. It has been prepared based on the interaction tutors-trainees, following the methodology of benchmarking.
7. Organization of courses
Concerning the following question:
“Is the more opportune on specialization or the diversification is accordingly to the actual needs for professional development?”
Here is a summary of most relevant suggestions:
- Some of the modules could be interesting for almost all of the trainees, but others are very specialized and it would be attractive just for the specialists in a particular textile field.
- The diversification of the modules is important for professional development, for enriching the trainee’s knowledge.
- Each module can be independent and extend students knowledge in specific area. As a strategy for the future, each student should be able to choose what is actual for her/him depending on working position or future plans.
The course should include some obligatory/general topics and some optional/specialized topics, so that the participant could select the modules according to his/her preliminary knowledge and interest. In this way, optimized ratio specialization/diversification could be achieved.