11. ANNEX 1 – Questionnaire sent to the tutors


Table for courses evaluation and upgrading

Best practices

Questionnaire for tutors

Note: please fill one form for each module, in case you have tutored more than one module.

University / Institute:

Name of Tutor:

Module lectured:

Date of face to face course:

Number of students/trainees attending the face to face course:

Date of chat session:

Number of students/trainees actively participating at the chat session (please check at the Advan2tex moodle webpage):

Methodology used for the face to face course (check with X all the alternatives that apply):

Power point presentation:

Presentation of the module via the material on the moodle platform:

Demonstrations / laboratory visits:

Had the student’s access to computer during the face to face session (check with X the alternative that applies):


The majority



How do you rate the participation of the students at the face to face course (check with X the best alternative that applies):

Very active: many questions during the session

Intermediate: some of the students occasionally put questions

Passive: very reduced active participation of the students

Have you identified the difference between the scientific and technic level of the course and the preparation level of the trainees?

            YES                              NO

            Comment: __________________________________

Do you have any suggestion of methods that could be used for the heterogeneous groups of trainees related to preparation level of the trainees and the scientific and technic level of the modules?


Is the organization of courses more opportune on specialization or the diversification is accordingly to the actual needs for professional development?


In your opinion, which would be the best order for the different modules (please write in front of each module a number from 1 (first) to 7 (last). Note that the modules are here presented just by alphabetic order):


Order (1 to 7)

Advanced knitting technologies




Innovation management


New methods for testing textile materials


Standardization of textile testing


Sustainability, LCA, Eco-labelling


Virtual prototyping of garments, 3D scanning, clothing for people with special needs



Suggestions of improvement of the course:
