3. Textile Innovation Stories and smart practices

3.16. Prevent & Deloza (Slovenia)

1)      Please provide the most interesting examples of technical / smart textiles that you have.

Within links of textile, sensory and so-called smart response we develop t-shirts by measuring vital life functions, GPS and temperature, which is intended for firefighters, soldiers and policemen in the event of a life threatening.

Secondly, we develop a kinesiological assistant, where the sensors in clothes will monitor adequacy of sport training to achieve an increase in condition and muscle mass, respectively. Adequacy is monitored in the phone application. It is intended for professional sportsman and recreational sportsman.


2)    How did you promote or put your product on the market?

Currently, the products are in various development phases, and promotion and placement on the market are not actual.


3)    What requirements do you customers most request? (EC Certifications, washing etc.)

The only serious requirement is ability on washing, which is quite difficult to achieve.

4)    Do you agree in sharing some of these experiences for educational purposes?


