Project title: “E-learning course for innovative textile fields”


No. Dissemination activity Results Photo
1 Kick-off meeting Bucharest, Romania 20.11.2014, INCDTP headquarters - detailed description of the project's objectives and tasks
- detailed planning of the project's activities with responsibles and timeschedules
- detailed presentation of financial regulations of the Erasmus Plus program
- detailed planning of the dissemination activity
2 Interim meeting Maribor, 31.03.2015, University of Maribor, Department of Textile Materials and Design – Maribor, Slovenia - Presentation of each partner's dissemination activity and organization of dissemination activity
- Clarifications to the financial regulations of Eramsus Plus program (after discussions with Romanian National Authority ANPCDEFP)
- Procedure and organization of the training activities for the second project year (blended mobility, joint staff events)
3 Interim meeting Guimaraes, 18.09.2015, University of Minho, Department of Textile Engineering – Minho, Portugal - Regulations for the interim report (timesheets, contracts, management expenditures)
- Update procedure of the training activities for the second project year (blended mobility, joint staff events)
- Dissemination folder 1st project year
4 Workshop INCDTP, 16.09.2015, INCDTP headquarters - presentation of the project objectives and the project offer of blended mobility to the world of work
5 Joint staff event Bucharest, Romania 19-23.10.2015, INCDTP headquarters - Guide for new research and business project ideas: new 16 project ideas organized in clusters
- Guide for intercultural partnership: concept
- Guide for upgrading the e-learning platform: improving of e-learning course structure
6 Workshop TU Iasi, 29.01.2016 - presentation of the project objectives and the project offer of blended mobility to the world of work
7 Workshop University of Maribor, 21.01.2016 - presentation of the project objectives and the project offer of blended mobility to the world of work
8 Joint staff event Porto / Guimaraes - New project proposals on European calls
- Guide for intercultural partnership: contents and structure
- Upgrading the e-learning platform
- Project management issues
9 JSE Iasi, 18-22 Apr. 2016 - Guide for new project ideas
- New feed-back questionnaire for the blended courses
- Guide for intercultural partnership: data to be collected from each partner
10 JSE Brno, 9.-13.May 2016 - Guide for new project ideas;
- Reports on the courses completion table with data;
- Intercultural partnership completion table with data;
- Visit to textile factories.
11 JSE Maribor, 06-10 June 2016 - Discussion upon completed tables for the guides;
- Finalizing the Guides + Reports
12 Final Transnational meeting Brno, Czech Republic, 22.08.2016 - Establishing technical and financial documents for final reporting
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About project
“This project has been funded with support from the European Comission."
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
© INCDTP- Bucharest 2021
Created by “Comunitatea Moodle din Romania”